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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Let's Talk about Yarrow

Yarrow is an herb that is easily obtainable from fields or grown in herb gardens. With all the benefits it provides Yarrow is one herb that we need to take notice of and have on hand.

Yarrow has been used to induce sweating and to stop wound bleeding. It also has been reported to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and pain. It has been used to relieve GI ailments, for cerebral and coronary thromboses, to lower high blood pressure, to improve circulation, and to tone varicose veins.

Yarrow can be used as a tea, leaves can be eaten in salad, or taken in pill or capsule form. The suggested does is 4.5 mg a day. 

Chewing the young leaves has been said to bring relief from a toothache. 

Yarrow should not be used in pregnancy due to its abortive properties.


Monday, July 15, 2019

Is Nutrient Lab Testing Worth it?

Is it worth it to do Nutrient Lab Testing?

John is a former vegetarian, who recently started eating a more vegetable-rich “Paleo” diet.  He’s feeling great, and at his ideal weight, but does have some nagging digestive issues like heartburn and occasional diarrhea, that don’t seem to be going away.  These issues were present when he didn’t eat meat.  He takes over-the-counter supplements to support his body, and isn’t quite sure if they really help all that much.  He was perusing the internet, and “Dr. Google” suggested he could have leaky gut, malabsorption problems, and many other possibilities.  He saw a gastroenterologist about this, who diagnosed him with IBS and suggested he eat more fiber.  He was not pleased with this recommendation, especially because he eats plenty of fiber!  What’s his next step?
Although “Dr. Google” is the bane of many practitioners’ practices, it is also a source of information that can be beneficial.  John did the right thing in seeing a gastroenterologist, but unfortunately many specialists prefer to treat diseases not symptoms, and if there isn’t a good pill or procedure for this, they aren’t really sure what to do.  It isn’t the fault of the doctors for not knowing about nutrition or supplements, but luckily there are people in this world who do have knowledge on this subject.  And these people/practitioners often use lab work to evaluate for nutrient imbalances.  You can skip the practitioner (initially), and get this bloodwork for yourself.
There are many ways to evaluate nutrient status, but it is a good start to look at what’s in the blood through nutrient biomarkers.
Maybe you’re thinking of taking a vitamin B12 supplement – you can look at your bloodwork to see if you really are in need of this.
Maybe you’re thinking of taking vitamin D, or maybe you do take vitamin D – this in particular is important to look whether you are taking a supplement or not.  If your vitamin D levels are too low or too high, this can cause problems.  Check this every 6-12 months when taking a supplement (to make sure it’s the right dose).
There are many nutrients that can be tested.  Before buying that next expensive supplement, make sure you actually need it!  And if you correct your nutrient imbalances, and you’re still have bothersome symptoms, seek the care and evaluation of a good integrative/functional medicine provider.

Connection between inflammation and low vitamin D:
Laboratory testing for B12 deficiency:

Thursday, July 11, 2019


Mullein is definitely an herb that should be everyone's medicine cabinet. It is a go to for respiratory concerns and a key ingredient in our herbal cough syrup. Mullein has been used for treating rashes and skin irritations. Think of using the leaves like a bandaid.

Tea made from the flowers and leaves work as an expectorant to bring up phlegm. A poultice made of fresh bruised leaves has been used to treat slow healing wounds. Infusions of the herb are said to cure, burns, sores and ringworm. Mullein has also been used to promote sweating, as a mild diuretic, and to treat kidney infections, colic and digestive upset. An oil infused with the flowers has been found effective for treating ear infections.

The leaves are just beautiful. They are thick and velvety and seem to a act as a tight knit family as the center stalk of the plant shoots up. The leaves appear to have come together to create the dense, strong stalk that produces a cone of beautiful flowers at the very top. Mullein is easy to grow from seed and will seed itself in the right conditions. A beauty to watch grow and a staple in any herb garden!

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