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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Growth and Change makes Strong Women

  Curious Roots has grown so much the last few months that we have found it necessary to make some major changes. 

In the next few weeks you will begin to see physical evidence of these changes. 

We have expansion happening. An added space that will give us street access from Pine Ave. No more hiding in the back corner or clients getting lost. 

We are adding a small apothecary with a plant medicine expert. We are super excited to bring Barbara Johnson on to our team of healers.

You will also notice a new name......yes a new name!! The decision was made to change the name Curious Roots to Ignite Health and Wellness to better represent our philosophy and goals.

Keep an eye out for more services, more products and more educational offerings!!

We are so incredibly excited about the changes that are happening!

Monday, March 18, 2024

Here we go

This weekend was busy! On Saturday I spoke at a preparedness fair, it was so nice to be on stage again. Sunday a dear friend came to help me with setting up my office space, I couldn't have done it all without her!! (Pics for proof). In between the busy I spent Saturday evening with new found friends singing karaoke (well I didn't sing). That was a ton of fun! Today was spent tidying up odds and ends in the office, taking pictures and getting a surprise lunch brought to me that was A-MAZING!!

Here we are, all set up and ready to get things rolling! Hope to see you all very soon in the new space!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Love and Support Abounds

This week has been a really long week filled with ups and downs. I have so much gratitude for friends (new and old) that have given me so much grace this week as I embark on this new adventure. 
I have learned, and been reminded of, so many lessons this week. We all have resources to help us navigate difficult times.  I know I forget that sometimes and feel quite alone until I get a call and a text from two different friends at the same time. I'm grateful for friends that are willing to listen, chastise with love and remind me to open up because they want to help. 
I also was reminded that a little self care goes a long way. I was straightening up boxes in the office and was reminded that I can not just help others but also myself. I took a moment to create a Bach Flower Remedy for myself. Showing myself that little bit of love made my day a little happier. I'm thankful for the time I've spent learning and expanding my knowledge. 
The most important lesson this week has been the importance of feeling emotions and letting them either call you to action or just letting those emotions go instead of trying to be strong and hide those emotions from everyone around you. 
If there is any time I can be a listening ear or a resource to you during a difficult time let me know. 

Don't ever forget, you are loved more than you know and there will always be someone willing and even inspired to help you along the way. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

New Beginnings, New Friends

 The last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind. From work to deciding to reopen Curious Roots. It has kept me on the go constantly and consistently.  

This past Saturday I was invited to set up at a Community Women's Luncheon which proved to be quite overwhelming; in a good way. I ran out of literature very quickly (who knew there would be over 200 women in attendance). I talked to many people specifically about ionic foot detox. I met some new friends, listened to some amazing speakers and generally had a great time. Following the luncheon I went home and took a nap, later that day I decided to take myself out to dinner and while I was at dinner found out about a birthday party that was open to the public, so I went, why not. I met some of my new friends there and had an amazing time dancing and visiting. 

I am slowly getting moved into my new space at Lake Country Fitness. The plan is to moved in and fully open on March 18. Keep an eye out here for updates and progress photos.

I will also be speaking at an event in Yukon, OK on March 16.

Over the last few weeks lessons learned have been a plenty but I think the biggest thing that stands out is the importance of being surrounded by like-minded people who accept you for who you are and where you are unconditionally. I am loving the new friends I have found and how they are loving on me right now. 

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Let the change begin

Today has been big. I'm sitting at the gym talking to people and getting the word out. I've put up signs, and had some great conversations. The key to the office was put in my hand. This is it! 

Friday, February 16, 2024

Change is in the air once again.

 The last couple of years have been a huge shift in focus and learning new things. I am excited to announce that I will be joining forces with Lake Country Fitness and LCF Wellness in Eufaula, OK. 

Lake Country Fitness and LCF Wellness have so much to offer with there sauna,cold plunge, salt cabin, organic spray tan, fitness classes and gym it was a no brainer when I was offered a space of my own.

It will be the same ole Curious Roots, well mostly, there is less time for creating and making, but services will stay the same and as I get settled in to a new space and new atmosphere I am sure everything will evolve.  Keep checking back over the next month or so for updates and photos of the progress. If you are in the area say hi! 

Friday, August 20, 2021

It's been a minute!

 Curious Roots is alive and well. I am not sure why we let the blog go unattended for so long, but we are still here. If you want to catch up try searching for us on Facebook and soon TikTok. 

Just a quick rundown. The last two years have had us moving our office a couple of times within the office building due to various reasons. We have learned a few things and made a few things. Found friends and lost friends along the way, but the important part is that we grew in ways that we never thought possible and added new passions and knowledge to our little enterprise.

Curious Roots is now looking at a whole new chapter and adventure that we hope you will join us on. We will look a little different and maybe sound a little different but we will still be providing everything you need to know to live a healthy lifestyle; mind, body and spirit. Keep an eye out for details coming in the next week or so. 

Growth and Change makes Strong Women

  Curious Roots has grown so much the last few months that we have found it necessary to make some major changes.  In the next few weeks you...